2016 Conference Papers

Sl. No. Title Author(s)
1 The Worldwide Shift of FDI to Services- How does it Impact Asia? New Evidence from Seventeen Asian Economies

Nadia Doytch and

Merih Uctum

2 Does Quality of Innovation, Culture and Governance Drive FDI? : Evidence from Emerging Markets

P.N. Kayalvizhi and 

M. Thenmozhi

3 Pull factors of FDI: A Cross Country Analysis of Advanced and Developing Countries

Indrajit Roy and

K. Narayanan

4 Innovation, Product Life Cycles and Intellectual Property Rights Protection: What is the Best Place to Invent Something Giulia Valacchi
5 Firm Capabilities and Productivity Spillovers from FDI: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Firms

Sanghita Mondal and 

Manoj Pant 

6 Innovation Consolidation Nexus: Evidence from India’s Manufacturing Sector Beena Saraswathy
7 Employment Growth in The Face of Exchange Rate Volatility: Role of FDI & Technology Anubha Dhasmana

Technological Change and Energy Efficiency: Understanding the Linkages in India’s Pulp and Paper Industry

Sandeep Kumar Kujur
9 Global Technologies and their Adoption in Higher Education in India

Kaushalesh Lal and 

Shampa Paul

10 Do foreign firms enjoy monopoly power under product patent regime? Study of Indian pharmaceutical industry*

Madan Dhanora and 

Ruchi Sharma

11 Growth Effects of Economic Globalization: A Cross‐Country Analysis Sovna Mohanty
12 Does Export Intensity Affect Firm Performance? Evidence from Basic Metal Industry in India

Vipin V and 

Anup Kumar Bhandari

13 Foreign Direct Investments and Business Cycle Co-movement: Evidence from Asian Countries

Unmesh Patnaik and 

Santosh K. Sahu 

14 ICT Investments and Growth of Small and Medium Firms: A Study of Food Processing Industry in India

Navyashree G. R. and 

Savita Bhat

15 Outward FDI and Cross-Border M&As by Indian Firms: A Host Country-Level Analysis Beena P L
16 Is Intra-Industry Trade Gainful? Evidence from Manufacturing Industries of India Sagnik Bagchi, Surajit Bhattacharyya and K.Narayanan
17 India in the International Production Network: The Role of Outward FDI Khanindra Ch. Das 
18 What makes enterprises in auto component industry perform? Emerging role of labour, information technology and knowledge management

Bino Paul, Jaganth G, Johnson Minz, and

Rahul S.

19 Board Characteristics, Ownership Structure and Technological Efforts in Emerging Market Firms: The Case of India

Surenderrao Komera, Subash Sasidharan, and

Jijo Lukose P. J.

20 Does FDI inflows crowd-out domestic investments in developing countries M. Shanmugam
21 Knowledge Transfer from Multinationals through Labour Mobility: Learning from Export Experience

Jaan Masso and

Priit Vahter

22 Using Time Series Data to Discern Organizational Learning Capability for Responding to Innovation and Change

Ashok Jain and

M. K. Das

  Note: *Restricted Downloads